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HMRC requirements post 31 December 2020

The United Kingdom has left the European Union and the transition period will at 23:00 hrs on 31 December 2020. From that point the UK will be considered in the eyes of Customs services as a third country even if the UK Government secures a trade deal.

All goods leaving the UK to the European Union will need to be declared to HMRC by means of a Customs Declaration submitted by a business directly or via a Customs Agent.

UK Government projections are that the current 60 million Declarations made annually via HMRC will increase to over 300 Million from 01 January 2021. At present there are far too few qualified Customs Agents in the UK to carry out this number of Declarations.

With this in mind it is essential that all businesses trading with or carrying goods to the EU secure a Customs Agent as soon as possible to manage their Customs requirements.

We are Certified Customs Practitioners and can assist with all your Customs needs.